On February26,2011 is when cpnewsworld was open.I started on a wordpress blog and it was first called gadgetguyoncp.It was barely unknown that well.I enjoyed blogging on that blog.But I wanted to do more than just post and put page's.I only got about 1-30 view's a day.I was not happy.On March4,2011 on my first week aniversy I found out Blogger was better.So i packed up my page's and plan's.Then,I moved to my new blog.I gave it a new name it was cpnewsworld.I got to do more.I decided to stay on blogger's and i started to even got 5-50 view's a day.but it was still unknown a little bit.[more coming soon]
the team
I'm the owner of this blog . I am a boy . I am also rare . I been a penguin master since 2008[when I started to play CP] . I usally go on sever Sleet! I spend my free time blogging and story writing . Say hi to me if you ever see me ! I am ten years old .
First played-2008
Favorite food- Pizza
Spends free time - writing and blogging
Favorite color - Green
Mostly goes on - Sleet
Author of other blog- Yes
Favorite room- Night club
Favorite mascot- Cadence
Puffle's- Danceer
Rank - owner
Magno 20 [ Bio not posted yet]
Magno20 is rare! He played cp since 2005! He mostly wears a green hoodie,blue color
more bio soon
About tommy22386
Hi Im manasesli30. My favorite color is blue. I also have a blog called mnasesli30.blogspot.com .I am gadgetguy05's sister. I play club penguin(also known as c.p). I love dogs and I have been playing club penguin since March31,2008. I will be posting here often but I will also still be posting on my blog to. Happy New year to all.