Hey guys. I been blogging for almost A YEAR now and its Club Penguins Now first Birthday. We hadn't had a contest in a long time, so I needed a song since I will make a music video of all the stuff that happened to me in the year like funny tweets, shout outs, and much,much,much MORE! SO watch this video for info!
If you can't watch the video, just here is some info you need to know!
So you send me a whole song[ meaning all the lyrics of he song] and email it to efrainsuper@Gmail.com! Then I will watch each song you sing. The song I mostly like will be in the video[ I believe we will get lots of people watching it] There will be cool effects in the video! If there is more than 5 entries I will post shout outs on twitter for a week and most of the shout outs will be in the video of course! We will announce the winner on February 19, that's plenty of time to enter the contest. Good Bye for now!
stereo hearts-kelmel4