Stuff to Do

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Starting a dojo

 I finished my snow journey today and so i decided to start a dojo. This new dojo will be opening June 14, 2013 because I need to prepare and brush up on my card jitsu. I will give the schedule before this date thanks and goodbye.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


the new website's new url will be the old cp followers url ill let this stand here until all the people who come to this website seen this message then ill change the url the day after. That will probably be a week

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Jarvas5 aka kelmel4

Hey guys i changed penguins but since gadgetguy05 might not be posting im going to try to keep this blog alive soon there will be a page on how to be a snow ninja this and more. This is just to keep you updated thanks enjoy cp.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The blog is no longer running

Well I am to busy to post on this blog. I will no longer be running this blog and I will be posting as a author on Woddylan Cp Cheats. Good bye and waddle on!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

New Field Op

Hey guys it been a long time since I posted a single field-op. Its summer so I got time to post lots of things. Well lets go on with it....

1. Go to the Command Room and click the Field Op Board.
2. Now Read the message and Click'' Accept Field-Op''
3. Now go to he Dock near the Meteor and your Spy Phone will flash Green Click your spy phone!
4. You will recieve a Mini Game to play! Play the Mini Game. Catch: Use your Green car and move around to fill the 4 tanks. Don't get stung by the red lazers you lose gas and have to go back to your green target to fill up. If you lose try again.

5. You are done. You just earned a metal and you got a message from Gary. Read it and press Elite Gear to get some gear or Ok to leave!
Well that's all for today. Stay tuned for next weeks field-op! Hoped you had fun on this and farewell.

Fire Works has been Released!

Hey guys, today I found out that the fireworks are on at the Ski Hill and Ice Berg. So catch them before they end. they are here to celebrate the fourth of July! Now lets see some juicy pictures or this fine event.
                                                                                 Ski Hill

                                                                               Ice Berg
Well, How do you like the fire works. Tell us in your comments. Well anyway gotta go watch REAL FIREWORKS! Farewell.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Exclusive: Shake It Up Stars are coming to Club Penguin!

Breaking news, The stars of Shake It Up are going to visit Club Penguin. The stars of Shake It Up that are visiting are Rocky and Ce Ce which is the main characters of Shake It Up. They will visit during the Music jam! We will be able to dance with Rocky and Ce Ce during this party. We will be able to meet them and get backrounds when we meet them. When I post the Music Jam guide at the bottom there will be a Rocky and Ce Ce tracker so they can be easy to find! But Rocky and Ce Ce are going to be in penguin form although. But next year watch out, Phineas and Ferb are coming to Club Penguin!
